Virtual Gathering
Calendar of Events
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Treating Depression and Anxiety with Yoga (free) Webinar
Treating Depression and Anxiety with Yoga (free) Webinar
Online Registration Treating Depression and Anxiety with Yoga (free) Webinar February 16/17, 2022 North America: Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 2:00-3:00 PM Pacific/5:00-6:00 PM Eastern United Kingdom: February 16, 2022, 10:00 PM-11:00 PM Australia: Thursday, February 17, 2022, 9:00-10:00 AM, Sydney, Australia New Zealand: Thursday, February 17, 2022, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM, Auckland The science supporting the integration of movement into depression and anxiety treatments is becoming increasingly evident. Join us for this live webinar where Amy taps into the scientifically proven link between yoga and emotional well-being. She guides us into adapting this ancient healing method to serve our clients, helping them self-regulate and FIND a sense of their inner peace beneath whatever mood is visiting. Amy covers the background and [...]
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YogaCon 2022: Yoga Supporting Mental Health
Online Registration YogaCon 2022: Yoga Supporting Mental Health March 4-6th, 2022 RiverCenter, Davenport, Iowa The Quad City Yoga Conference is thrilled to offer this event for folks interested in yoga from very beginners to advanced practitioners. This is our inaugural fundraising event, and all ticket sales go to funding QCYC's work sharing yoga and mindfulness in our community. YogaCon 2022 highlights some of the best yoga teachers in the United States who are practicing deep work that supports mental health with the practices and discipline of yoga. Amy will be presenting two YOGA FOR YOUR MOOD sessions, both Saturday : Yoga For Your Mood Part 1 This session meets that couch potato feeling of lethargy, pandemic malaise, and negative self-talk [...]
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Embodied Movements of Compassion (free) LIVE virtual “unchallenge”
Embodied Movements of Compassion: Harnessing anger, outrage, fear, disgust and turning toward compassion, hosted by Deirdre Fay. MAR 6-10 LIVE virtual (free) series! On Zoom each day at 1pm ET for about an hour. Like so many of us, Deirdre felt the impulse to “do something” with the feelings arising in response to Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine. She quickly set up this (free) global “UnChallenge”: Embodied Movements of Compassion. The 5-day practice is designed to acknowledge the threat that comes when a person is feeling bullied, taken advantage of, or enraged, utilizing that energy and turning instead toward compassion. Come shift those “red zone" feelings into compassionate action. We’ll do this by exploring and embodying compassionate qualities: · Harnessing the inner protest [...]