Psychotherapy Networker Symposium 2019

Omni Shoreham Hotel 2500 Calvert Street Northwest, Washington, DC, United States

Amy Weintraub returns to lead TWO vibrant workshops, in addition to her daily morning yoga classes and afternoon meditations. Creativity Day Workshop: The Love in the Room Begins with You and Yoga! Sing a love song to your amygdala with gentle movement, calming breath work, ancient meditative self-inquiry and mood-balancing Yoga Nidra. We’ll use sound and breath and hand gestures that promote relaxation and a state of deep stillness. Let your love soar with a guided-imagery practice. Throughout the calming, meditative exercises, we’ll incorporate joint warm-ups and gentle yoga stretching, along with mantras, mudras and pranayama breathing for mood regulation. By day’s end, you’ll feel more spacious and expansive, attuned with the joy of being in your body. Let the [...]