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Yoga for Anxiety
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Healing Codependency & Toxic Shame (free) online
Once I heard someone describe themselves as a "shame-based being". We laughed, but I related deeply. Deep down, I had a nagging feeling that I was not good enough Sometimes I sacrificed myself to please others I was surviving not thriving Saying no to those I cared about could be difficult to say the least If any of this sounds familiar, chances are you’re struggling with Shame, as well as Codependency. Healing Codependency & Toxic Shame August 15 - 21 is a (free) online event with 30 presenters, and free replays. Brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University, here’s some of what you’ll learn from renowned psychologists, therapists, relationship experts & more: ● How to stop [...]