IFS Meets LifeForce Yoga – A Week of Healing and Learning

Online Registration IFS Meets LifeForce Yoga: A Workshop Intensive with LifeForce Yoga founder Amy Weintraub, and Internal Family Systems-trained therapist Angela Huebner, PhD, LMFT, at the beautiful Cape Cod Institute. The combination of IFS and LFY provide just the tools we need to slow down and tune in! In the process of learning LFY practices to help clients self-regulate, increase self-efficacy and self-compassion, you will connect to the wholeness and healing capacity within yourself. Return home empowered with your own practice, a better understanding of the IFS model, and ready to share these tools with your clients.  All bodies and abilities welcome! Mental and physical health care providers can practice their specialties more effectively when they offer [...]

IFS Meets LifeForce Yoga – A Week of Healing and Learning2022-05-30T06:04:53-07:00

YOGA FOR YOUR MOOD: Practices to Shift Depression and Anxiety

Online Registration   This is a HYBRID offering! Join Amy in the Tucson studio or stream online from home. Don’t stay stuck in a bad mood or thinking that limits you. Not only will these practices shift your mood, but they may change your life as they did for Amy and the thousands of students she has trained. Learn accessible yoga practices that support you and those you serve achieve and sustain emotional wellbeing. We’ll be meeting the mood and shifting it into balance with yoga breathing, mudras, visual imagery, yoga meditations, mantras and accessible movements. Many of these practices are not taught in regular yoga classes. Amy experienced firsthand the relief that yoga can provide and has spent [...]

YOGA FOR YOUR MOOD: Practices to Shift Depression and Anxiety2022-03-30T10:14:10-07:00

Mental Health + Yoga Summit

Online Registration FREE  |  ONLINE  |  FIVE DAYS January 31- February 4, 2022 The very first Mental Health + Yoga Summit is coming and I’m so excited to be included. What a way to start the new year, right? This special event is hosted by Dr Lauren Tober from Mental Health Aware Yoga, and is designed especially for Yoga Teachers, Health Professionals and anyone interested in learning more about mental health and yoga. The summit is free, and it runs online for five days starting 31st of January 2022. I’m speaking about a topic I’m really passionate about:  Yoga for Your Mood, and I’m joined by SO many brilliant speakers including James Fox from the Prison Yoga Project, [...]

Mental Health + Yoga Summit2022-01-12T12:12:57-07:00


Do you have trouble meditating? Does your mind seem too active to find stillness? Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind; simple, yes, but not often easy. When I began to meditate, I went on "rounding" meditation weekends, and the group practice made it easier than practicing at home alone. In fact, the depression that clouded my mind created a lot of negative self-talk, no matter if I practiced with my mantra or focused on the breath. When I closed my eyes, my self-critical part took the lead. Sound familiar? Later, when I added yoga practices to "give my mind a bone"--mudras, mantra chanting, pranayama, kriya, body sensing--I found a portal into a quiet mind. [...]

And STILL, MEDITATION STILLS2022-04-04T07:36:13-07:00
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